Drawer Box - New edition

Since IPP#39, the look and colors of Drawer Box have been revisited: more rounded, with a pattern on the top.
Also I have added a final step with a coin (an old French centime coin) hidden in one of the drawers. It's a nice touch at the end of the puzzle. I love puzzles with a surprise at the end.

See below a 3D view of the new look:

It's now ready for 3D printing. I want to try a new filament, Silk PLA, more shiny than the standard one I use, with 2 colours, one for the box and one for the drawer covers and the pattern on top. It should look nice !

There is quite a lot of post-processing for gluing and verifying that everything moves smoothly, so I start with only a small series of 5.

Probably ready for ordering mid-October !


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